Friday, October 16, 2020

Time to Vote


Now is the time to get out and vote.

I thought the 2016 election was critical for our country and the direction it was heading. While that was true, we have now taken it to a whole 'nother level.

From Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Transition Integrity Project, court packing, the mainstream media and big tech bias, we are at risk of losing this country and our 2nd Amendment rights.

I recommend watching Trump Card to get a perspective on where this country is heading and how the Left is taking us there.

We need to get out and vote and get as many other people to vote as well. I believe this election will be decided by turnout.

By looking at the crowds at Trump rallies versus Biden rallies, it appears that the excitement is on the side of Trump. But, if you believe the polls, Trump is down double digits and probably needs to concede now.

Vote and encourage anyone you know who values our 2nd Amendment rights that they need to vote.

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What's Happening

Levin: Do you choose liberty or tyranny?

For most of us, there are few if any opportunities to demonstrate our devotion to this great nation. Those among us who join the military or law enforcement and protect our people from foes, foreign and domestic, are small in number. Yet we have the power to determine our own fate and the fate of our nation by the simple act of voting.

FBI Statistics: At Least 4 Times More People Were Killed With Knives Than “Assault Rifles” Last Year

There isn’t a breakdown of what percent of victims were killed by regular rifles vs. “assault rifles,” so we only know that at least four times as many were killed by knives that assault rifles, but it is likely much higher. Even if the split is 50/50 it would imply that eight times as many people are killed every year by knives than assault rifles. Of course, this is a meaningless distinction because the only real differences between “assault” rifles and ordinary rifles are cosmetic, and isn’t every weapon an “assault weapon” if you think about it?

Christians with guns as American as apple pie

Imagine if you will a place where kids as young as 3 years old are taught to handle a firearm — where women with increasing frequency are trained to defend self and family with guns — where middle-schoolers and high-schoolers alike are both competent and competitive at ready-aim-and-firing — and where going to church on Sunday is as natural as hitting the shooting range on Monday.

Twilight zone?

Does Owning a Gun Make a Judge's Second Amendment Rulings Suspect?

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R–S.C.) was trying to help out Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett when he asked her whether she owns a gun during her confirmation hearing yesterday. But the premise of his question—that gun ownership might be viewed as disqualifying a judge from dealing fairly with cases involving the Second Amendment—could not be more absurd.

Email us with any feedback at

Jeff and Shelley

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